JFC has partnered with BlackRock to host an event in Canton, OH at the Pro Football Hall of Fame! Join us from noon to 4pm on Thursday, November 30th for a tour of the facility while networking with JFC and fellow advisors. RSVP to Ryan@jfcadvisor.com or Lisa@jfcadvisor.com
JFC invites new advisors to LPL to join an important WebEx call with our Home Office Supervisors to help understand branch file requirements and LPL’s Compliance Tool. This is an opportunity to learn how to keep your branch files in ClientWorks and work through compliance and supervision alerts. Please contact Taylor@jfcadvisor.com for more info.
Advisors in the Denver, CO area are invited to meet up with JFC and Mark Manos of Clark Capital for a year-end celebration at Punch Bowl Social. Please RSVP to ryan@jfcadvisor.com.